
Digital, flexible and innovative

How do you continue to find good employees in a changing world of employment and as an employer, motivate them over the long term while creating a stimulating working environment?

COWORKING PLACES: For what reasons do you offer your employees the opportunity to work outside the office?

91 percent - Greater attractiveness as an employer;

50 percent - Compensation for a locational disadvantage (e.g. due to poor transport connections);

18 percent - Cost savings (e.g. fewer workstations in the office);

4 percent of the employees work exclusively from a Home Office.

RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES IN THE LOGISTICS INDUSTRY - Companies in the logistics industry find new personnel:

77 percent - via internet job exchanges and job portals;

63 percent - via company websites;

61 percent - through employee recommendations.


SMEs see particularly high potential for growth in the application of artificial intelligence in the following areas:

84 percent - optimisation of distribution and logistics;

78 percent - better customer service;

75 percent - development of new business models and product innovations.

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The challenges are:

100 percent - lack of expertise / shortage of employees;

72 percent - data security concerns;

66 percent - inadequate database.

DIGITAL WORKPLACE: Companies in which a large number of digital aids are used for work in teams and on projects are 30 percent more efficient.

DIGITAL MEDIA ON THE JOB: 98 percent of employees with a high level of education use digital media such as computers, the Internet, laptops, tablets or smartphones in their professional activities.

KEYS TO THE FUTURE – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: 41 percent of respondents to a survey made up of employees and managers from various logistics disciplines believe that artificial intelligence is definitely the future of logistics.

Sources: XING New Work Trendbook 2018, statista, www.e-commerce-magazin.de, Campana & Schott, Inform Software Illustration: Manuela Heins

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