Krone applies its expertise in lightweight construction to series production: Those who buy standard vehicles also benefit from the weight savings made possible thanks to intelligent design.
p to 150 kg lighter – that’s just what the latest Profi and Mega Liner generation from Krone has to say – thus allowing 150 kilograms more payload. Everyone using the new generation standard vehicle will benefit from the weight savings: With that, Krone has passed on its technical expertise from lightweight construction to the standard setup and, subsequently, to as many customers as possible. “Lightweight construction is a relevant topic that we are addressing with our Ultra series – among others. “At the same time, it is important for us to adapt the findings from the Ultra series – be it in terms of materials, design concepts or even manufacturing processes – to the standard vehicles in order to enable as many customers as possible to benefit from these niche advantages in standard applications and thus in everyday transport” explains Jens Rauer from Krone Product Management. A lower tare weight for the vehicle enables a higher payload and, consequently, a higher economic yield per load. This is particularly relevant in general cargo transport: “A greater payload translates into increased profitability for our customers and therefore, more money at the end of the day.”
The Mega Liner Ultra manages to combine maximum interior height and a correspondingly low neck with the strength needed for tough everyday commercial vehicle use. “The lower the neck height, the heavier the chassis becomes, due to the fact that the strength has to be achieved physically, i.e. by way of stronger material” says Rauer. In order to achieve this strength and the usual high level of quality, not only is an appropriate design concept necessary, but also an intelligent production process with a higher degree of automation. “We have achieved just that at Krone with the new Profi and Mega Liner product generation.” And the work this entails never stops: “We are continuously developing, keeping an eye on new materials and technologies and assessing whether they are of potential use for us.” Sometimes, for example, the welding sequences are changed or robots are used for welding, in order to optimise the production processes.
Modern materials, innovative design and an intelligent production process make Krone trailers lighter, but with the usual strength and quality.
For Rauer, it is clear that Krone can hold its own with a good tare weight, especially with its Mega Liners in the standard range – while displaying great stability and strength at the same time. “We are known in the market for offering a stable steel superstructure in the form of the bulkhead and the rear portal. We use a neck height of 80 mm, but it is stable. Nevertheless, we were able to make the vehicle around 150 kilograms lighter in the new series”, says Jens Rauer. For him, it is exciting to find the best solution for every customer’s individual requirements as part of a dialogue with them: “We always look at how we can set these requirements in relation to the aspect of technical feasibility. Sometimes, the result is a very special individual solution. But often a product from our standard portfolio is a perfect fit.” In these conversations, he always learns from the customers what it is that moves them, and what exactly they need for everyday transport: “And at the same time, I can offer suggestions for my part, so that together we can find the most technologically and economically efficient solution for the customer.”